Deaglan McEachern

Candidate Bio
Deaglan McEachern was raised in Portsmouth. He lives with his wife, Lori and daughters, Tiernan and Aurelia across the street from the house his grandfather built in 1940. McEachern is currently serving his second term on the City Council and his first term as Mayor of Portsmouth. He works in the technology sector, focusing on enterprise software. He received his BA in History from the University of California, Berkeley and his Masters in History from Cambridge University.
Before working in the technology sector, Deaglan spent 10 years on the United States rowing team where he represented the United States at the World Championship level. During this time, Deaglan received his Masters degree in History from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. At Cambridge, Deaglan was elected President of the rowing team, where he led the University to victory against Oxford in the famous “Boat Race” in 2010. Deaglan received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley.
McEachern is the son of Paul and Shaun McEachern and a proud resident of the Creek neighborhood.
Candidate website
Seacoastonline candidate profile
Why I'm Running
I am running for city council driven by my genuine love for Portsmouth, the community that raised me. I hope for my daughters to experience the same sense of belonging I did here. While we have challenges to tackle and opportunities to embrace, I believe effective leadership—one that respects our history, recognizes our present, and plans for our future—can guide us. Central to my campaign is the recognition that Portsmouth's character lies in our people, not our buildings. Issues like affordable housing, sustainable development, education, and climate resilience are deeply personal to me. With collective effort, I envision a Portsmouth where everyone finds opportunities and pride. I seek your support to help shape this vision, pledging diligence, openness, and integrity in every step we take together for our community.
Candidate Night
Candidate Links
Position On Issues
Did not respond.
The questions we asked:
A comprehensive housing market study for the Portsmouth Housing Authority identified unmet demand for more than 3,000 additional housing units in our city, mostly for rental units. The study also pointed out that almost 50% of Portsmouth residents live in rented homes. Renters effectively pay a share of the owner’s property taxes. But while property owners, especially those in desirable parts of the city, have benefitted from astonishing rises in their home equity, renters — through no fault of their own — have not shared in the wealth creation. Just the opposite: as rents and the cost of living rise steadily, renters are more cost-burdened every year. You aspire to represent this huge constituency.
Question #1: How should the city address the specific needs of renters?
The next generations will either benefit or suffer from the policies we enact today regarding climate change, sustainability, and the move from fossil fuels to clean energy.
Question #2: Do you accept that urgent measures are required and, if so, how aggressive should the city be in addressing the crisis?
Records show that the top complaint from Portsmouth neighborhoods for decades has been drivers speeding on their streets. The city has begun implementing traffic calming measures. Changes to infrastructure are the single most effective way to address the issue. Drivers often object at first, but the measures have proven effective. At the same time, the city is doing more to accommodate residents who would rather walk or bike.
Question #3: What kinds of initiatives would you support that further calm traffic and make more of Portsmouth safer for residents on foot or bike?